Our Summer Programs.
4-H Camp Overlook offers summer camp programs for campers age 6-17 with:
3 day, 2 night “first experience” mini-camps for ages 6-11 (Cloverbud & Cloverleaf),
6 day, 5 night week-long Traditional Camp for ages 8-17,
MAAP Adirondack Explorer Backpacker programs for ages 10-17,
Leadership Experience Outdoors (LEO) programs for ages 13-17 (aka CIT/LIT),
Lifeguard Training mini-camp for ages 15-17.
See Program Descriptions Below, please.

Cloverbud 1st Experience Camp. Ages 6-8
Cloverbud Camp is a perfect first experience step for our youngest campers interested in trying out overnight camp for a shorter stay of 3 days & 2 nights. Cloverbuds enjoy time swimming, playing games, singing songs, and enjoying the outdoors with their counselors. They'll make a craft to take home, roast a s'more around the campfire, and search the forest for signs of wildlife. Don’t forget to bring your favorite stuffed animal to take part in our much-loved "Animals on Parade"!
In 2025, Cloverbud Camp is offered during two different sessions:
Cloverbud 1: July 1-3 (Tuesday- Thursday)
Cloverbud 2: August 17-19 (Sunday- Tuesday)
Arrival & Departure Times: Cloverbuds should arrive on their first day between 2-3 pm, and departure runs between 4-5 pm on their last day.

Cloverleaf 1st Experience Camp. Ages 9-11
Cloverleaf Camp is open to slightly older campers who may not be ready for a full-week experience at camp and want to experience what camp is all about. During their stay, they’ll go swimming & boating, take aim at the archery range, try out the low ropes course, and cook out over the campfire. Many Cloverleaf campers find that they want to add on a full-week session after their visit! Please note: prior attendance at Cloverbud or Cloverleaf camps is not required for attendance in Traditional Camp.
In 2025, Cloverleaf Camp is offered during two different sessions:
Cloverleaf 1: July 1-3 (Tuesday- Thursday)
Cloverleaf 2: August 17-19 (Sunday- Tuesday)
Arrival & Departure Times: Cloverleafs should arrive on their first day between 3-4 pm, and departure runs between 4-5 pm on their last day.
Traditional Camp. Ages 8-17
Traditional Camp offers the full 4-H Camp Overlook experience where campers get to participate in swimming, cookouts, fun themed evening programs, and their choice of a variety of outdoor classes including high ropes challenges, shooting sports, arts & crafts, dance & drama, science & nature studies, leadership, and outdoor skills. New classes and projects are offered each summer so that your camper has a chance to expand their skills.
Camper's Choice Classes: Campers sign up for 4 workshops of their choice during registration plus swimming. Programs are not offered every week and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
All campers participate in daily swimming on full-camp days, themed evening programs, daily meals and snacks, and a cookout experience over the campfire.
In 2025, Traditional Camp is offered during six weekly sessions. Choose one or more!
Traditional Camp 1: July 6-11
Traditional Camp 2: July 13-18
Traditional Camp 3: July 20-25
Traditional Camp 4: July 27- Aug 1
Traditional Camp 5: Aug 3- Aug 8
Traditional Camp 6: Aug 10- Aug 15
Arrival & Departure Times: Traditional Campers should arrive on Sunday between 2-4 pm, and departure runs between 4-5 pm on Friday. See the Family Guide (coming soon) for additional details.

Camper's Choice

MAAP Adirondack Explorer Camps. Ages 10-17
MAAP stands for "Mountaineering, Alpine Adventurers and Pathfinders" and is a progressive program offered in three different levels for campers who are looking learn about backpacking and primitive camping, and enjoy the benefits of learning in the Adirondack wilderness.
MAAP Level 1- Pathfinders (ages 10+) start their journey at Overlook learning introductory skills necessary for being a successful backpacker such as: making & reading trail signs, principles of Leave No Trace, and hiking with a pack. All parts of the Pathfinders experience occur on-camp, including an opportunity for an on-camp overnight campout.
To participate: register for Traditional Camp during week 2, 4 or 6 and then need to choose the "Pathfinders Class" during online registration. During other classes and activities, they will participate as a Traditional Camper.
Pathfinders is offered weeks 2, 4, and 6 only. 8 camper/class maximum.
MAAP Level 2- Alpine Adventurers (ages 11+) begin their adventure at Camp Overlook preparing for their trip, packing their bags, and practicing with on-camp hikes and camping skills. On Wednesday, they will depart for a local two-night backpacking trip, returning to camp on Friday. Campers should expect to hike a minimum of 3-6 miles per today with a pack up to 25% of their body weight.
Alpine Adventurers is offered weeks 1 and 5 only. 8 camper maximum.
Pre-requisite: Previous participation in Pathfinders is encouraged but not required. In case of a wait-list, preference will be made for those who have already completed the Pathfinders program.
To participate: Register online for the MAAP Alpine Adventurers Camp offered weeks 1 or 5.
MAAP Level 3: Mountaineers (ages 13+) is Overlook's ultimate Adirondack experience. On Sunday, campers plan and pack on-site and then on Monday, they will depart for a local 3 to 4-night backpacking trip, returning to camp on Friday. Campers should expect to hike a minimum of 5-8 miles per today with a pack up to 25% of their body weight.
Mountaineers is offered week 3 only. 8 camper maximum.
Pre-requisite: Previous participation in Alpine Adventurers is encouraged but not required. In case of a wait-list, preference will be made for those who have already completed the Alpine program.
To participate: Register online for the MAAP Mountaineer Camp offered week 3.
Arrival & Departure Times: Alpine Adventurers and Mountaineers should arrive on Sunday between 2-3 pm, and departure runs between 4-5 pm on Friday. See the Family Guide for additional details.
Note on Special Gear: Participants in Alpine Adventurers and Mountaineers need to have hiking boots and 2-3 pair of non-cotton socks. Additional gear recommendations and items available for loan can be found on our MAAP-specific page.
Leadership Experience Outdoors. Ages 13-17
Camp Overlook's Leadership Experience Outdoors (aka LEO Program) has been re-vamped for 2025 to offer more opportunities, more time at camp, more learning and more fun in the outdoors for teens! Geared towards those interested in developing their leadership skills for success at school, in a career, or for a future job at camp, LEOs take the lead as they learn skills in communication, teamwork, program planning and facilitation. Each level provides campers with more responsibility and opportunities for leadership.
LEO Level 1: (age 13-15) LIT/Leader in Training is offered as a Camper's Choice Class during select Traditional Camp weeks- campers engage in fun workshops that focus on teambuilding & cooperation, communication and creative problem solving. To participate, register for Traditional Week 1, 3 or 5 and choose "LIT" as one of your class choices.
LEO Level 2: (age 14-16) CIT 1/Counselor in Training is offered as a 1-week camp experience where campers begin to focus on skills specific to the camp environment such as leading songs & games, planning and facilitating evening programs, practicing outdoor skills, and mentoring younger campers. To participate, register for the CIT 1 program during weeks 2, 4 or 6.
LEO Level 3: (age 15-17) CIT 2/Counselor in Training is a 2-week program. During week 1, campers hone their skills in planning & leading programs, outdoor skills, and the basics of child development and risk management. During week 2, they will be assigned to a staff mentor and cabin and complete hands-on training with a group of younger campers. To participate, register for the CIT 2 program during weeks 2 and 3 or weeks 4 and 5. Campers return home during the weekend between weeks 1 & 2,
LEO Level 4: (age 16-17) Senior CIT/Ambassador is a 3-week "by invitation only" program for campers who have successfully completed the CIT program and with staff recommendation. Ambassadors participate in either Weeks 1-3 or Weeks 4-6. If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador and have not received an invitation, please reach out to jc879@cornell.edu.

Lifeguard Training Mini-Camp. Ages 15-17
Lifeguard Camp (ages 15-17 by July 1) is a new program in 2025 that provides training in American Red Cross lifeguard training right here on-site at Camp Overlook from trained instructors. This is the perfect opportunity for campers interested in applying for a position at camp in the future to complete their training in a safe and fun environment.
Pre-requisite: Campers must complete online coursework prior to on-site training and must be able to pass the pre-skills swim assessment.
To participate: Register online for the Lifeguard Camp program. Spaces are limited.